PHOENIX – next 5 steps
Return to the previous Payment Process and I.T. platform…
October 17, 2016/by Dmitri Kanovich
“Saving” PHOENIX
80,000 federal government employees are suffering the consequences…
August 3, 2016/by Dmitri Kanovich
“IT” project is doomed to fail
Because they are "IT" Projects - conceived and managed by IT
February 22, 2016/by Dmitri KanovichIn…

Consulting – a Victim or an Escape?
Management Consulting generally prospers as a result of a mix…
February 3, 2016/by Dmitri Kanovich
Business incompetence or IT fraud?
....non-existing/broken business and IT relationships (Berlin…
January 22, 2016/by Dmitri Kanovich
Buying ERP?
Planning a heavy duty ERP (SAP, Oracle, Peoplesoft..) acquisition ?
January 22, 2016/by Dmitri Kanovich…

Berlin Wall
The German one is history. The one, separating Business and…
January 19, 2016/by Dmitri Kanovich
IT Strategy Obsolete?
Business Strategy = IT Strategy. The opposite is false.
January 19, 2016/by Dmitri KanovichA…