PHOENIX – next 5 steps
- Return to the previous Payment Process and I.T. platform ASAP and shut down PHOENIX.
- Establish Single Federal Payment Function (organization) Head and Owner.
- Appoint Payment Function Heads and Payment Process Owners in relevant institutions.
- – Have them REDEFINE the Payment Process problem.
- – Have them AGREE on a new Common Payment Process.
- Prepare RFP for potential Payment Function and Process outsourcing/automation.
- Potentially Outsource, Automate or …. improve the efficiency of the existing function and process.
The above is not possible without direct involvement of the Prime Minister (to mandate steps 1 and 2).
The above Program MUST be managed by the Payment Function (organization).
This is NOT an “I.T.” Program – PHOENIX or SHARED SERVICES may not be a part of a chosen solution.
Total estimated realistic duration: 30-36 months.
Interim tangible results after 12 months and every 3-4 months thereafter.
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